About Me

Kushxeet yóo x̱at duwasáakw.

Dleit ḵaa x̱’éináx Sienna Reid yóo x̱at duwasáakw. Kiks.ádi naax̱ x̱at sitee. X’aaka Hit áyá haa naa kahídi. Kaagwaantaan dachx̱án áyá x̱at.

Sienna pulls spruce roots.

Hey! My name is Kushxeet, an old Point House name which translates to "Raven the Artist." My English name is Sienna Reid. I am Tlingit: raven moiety, frog clan, and adopted into the Point House in Sheet’ká. I am a grandchild of the Kaagwaantaan, Ch’áak’ Kúdi Hít.

I was born, raised, and currently reside on my homelands of Sheet'ká Ḵwáan Territory-- a temperate rainforest community also known as Sitka, Alaska. By day, I work in the field of Indigenous resource management for my Tribe. In my spare time, I like to build connection with our lands and waters through art, language, harvest, and observation.

TLDR; I am a queer Tlingit multimedia artist and resource protector based out of Sheet’ká. I strive to create inclusive contemporary Indigenous art for all, while ensuring our precious coastal lifestyle is sustained for generations to come!

The Endorsements

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